2011/01-2013/10 莫斯科管理学院斯科沃,助理教授;斯科沃--安永新兴市场研究院,战略研究负责人
2017 天津市131工程创新型人才(第二层次) 天津市颁发
2017 南开大学百名青年学科带头人 南开大学颁发
2013 全球化方面最佳图书 Strategy + Business杂志颁发
2011 40岁以下最有前途学者提名 国际商务学会年会颁发
2008 最佳学生论文一等奖 中国管理研究国际学会双年会颁发
[1] Hybrid State-owned Enterprises and Internationalization: Evidence from Emerging Market Multinationals, 独著,forthcoming, Management International Review.
[2] “Categorizing the liability of foreignness: Ownership, location, and internalization-specific dimensions”, with Mauro Guillen, 2016, Global Strategy Journal, 6(4): 309-329.
[3] “From home country to home base: A dynamic approach to the liability of foreignness”, with Mauro Guillen, 2015, Strategic Management Journal, 36(4): 907-917.
[4] “MNC strategy and social adaptation in emerging markets”, with Meng Zhao and Sam Park, 2014, Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7): 842-861.
[5] “Facing global economic crisis: Foreign sales, ownership groups, and corporate value”, with Xufei Ma and Daphne Yiu, 2014, Journal of World Business, 49(1): 87-100.
[6] “Profitable growth: Avoiding the growth fetish in emerging markets”, with Sam Park and Gerardo Ungson, 2013, Business Horizons, 56(4): 473-481.
[7] “Diversification and Diffusion: A Social Networks and Institutional Perspective”, with Andrew Delios, 2012, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(3): 773-798.
[8] “An Institutional Approach to Cross-National Distance”, with Heather Berry and Mauro F. Guillen, 2010, Journal of International Business Studies, 41(9): 1460-1480
[9] “Ownership Structure and the Diversification and Performance of Publicly-Listed Companies in China”, with Andrew Delios and Weiwei Xu, 2008, Business Horizons, 51(6): 473-483.
[10] “A New Perspective on Ownership Identities in China’s Listed Companies”, with Andrew Delios and Zhijian Wu, 2006, Management and Organization Review, 2(3): 319-343.
[11] “The role of teacher and student in business school case teaching”, with Sunny Li Sun and Liu Gang, 2011. Journal of Management Case Studies (管理案例研究与评论), 4(4): 323-329.
[12] “Legitimation in Density Dependence Model: The Moderating Role of Firm and Location Heterogeneity”, with Zhu Yujie and Sun Hui. 2009, Management World (管理世界), 25(3): 111-120.
[13] “The empirical analyses of the determinants of the FDI location choices in China”, with Zhu Yujie, 2005, Research on Financial and Economic Issues (财经问题研究), 27(11): 53-60.
[14] “The different factors affecting the geographical distribution of FDI in China”, with Zhu Yujie, 2003, International Economic Cooperation (国际经济合作), 15: 17-20.
[15] Seung Ho Park, Nan Zhou and Gerardo R. Ungson. 2013. Rough Diamonds: Four Traits of Successful Breakout Firms in BRIC, Jossey-Bass/Wiley: San Francisco.
•Selected as the Best Business Book on Globalization in 2013 by the Strategy + Business magazine
•A summary of this book is presented at St. Petersburg Economic Forum in 2012.
•Translated to Chinese in 2015.