2014年9月–2018年9月 香港理工大学工商管理学院 博士(管理学)
2014年9月–2018年7月 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院 管理学博士
2012年8月–2014年7月 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院 管理学硕士
2008年9月–2014年6月 天津师范大学管理学院 管理学学士
2016年2月–2017年1月 美国亚利桑那大学管理信息系统系 访问学者
2018年11月至今 南开大学商学院 助理教授
2019年01月 杰出审稿人(Elsevier, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications)
2018年10月 黑龙江省社会科学优秀成果一等奖
2017年11月 国际信息系统会议(ICIS)最佳论文提名奖、领域最佳论文奖
2017年10月 中国信息系统年会青年论坛最佳论文奖
2017年09月 第六届黄梯云奖励基金创新研究特等奖
2016年07月 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019)领域副主编;
为Journal of MIS(JMIS)、Information & Management(I&M)、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(ECRA)、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR)、Information Technology & People等信息管理领域主流期刊、International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)、Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)、Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)等主流会议审稿。
1.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Yi Wu, 2019. How does Interactional Unfairness Matter for Patient-Doctor Relationship Quality in Online Health Consultation? The Contingencies of Professional Seniority and Disease Severity. European Journal of Information Systems, 在线发表(AIS 6本期刊之一、SSCI&SCI, IF: 3.197).
2.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Yi Wu, Kee-hung Lai, Doug Vogel, 2017. Exploring the Inhibitors of Online Health Service Use Intention: A Status Quo Bias Perspective. Information & Management, 54(8): 987-997 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 3.890).
3.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Chunxiao Yin, Fanbo Meng, 2017. From Offline Healthcare to Online Healthcare Service: The Role of Offline Healthcare Satisfaction and Habit. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(2): 138-154 (SSCI, IF: 1.667).
4.Yefei Yang, Xiaofei Zhang*, Peter Lee, 2019. Improving the effectiveness of online healthcare platforms: An empirical study with multi-period patient-doctor consultation data. International Journal of Production Economics, 207: 70-80 (通讯作者, SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.407).
5.Hualong Yang, Xiaofei Zhang*, 2019. Understanding the effect of paid and free feedback on patients’ and physicians’ behaviors in telemedicine markets. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(3): e12156 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 4.671).
6.Liuan Wang, Tianshi Wu*, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang*, Yan Li, Weiguo Wang, 2018. Exploring mHealth Monitoring Service Acceptance from a Service Characteristics Perspective. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 30: 159-168 (通讯作者, SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.954).
7.Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo*, Zeyu Peng, Xiaofei Zhang*, Doug Vogel, 2019, The routine use of mobile health services in the presence of health consciousness. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,已接收(通讯作者, SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.954).
8.Fanbo Meng, Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Xinli Zhao, Kee-hung Lai, 2019. How do Patients with Chronic Diseases Make Usage Decisions Regarding Mobile Health Monitoring Service. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 已接收(SCI, IF:1.261).
9.Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, Yongqiang Sun, 2016. The Privacy Personalization Paradox in mHealth Adoption of Different Ages. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 16(2): 55-65 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.954).
10.Xiaofei Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Xitong Guo, 2017. Promoting China's mHealth market: A policy perspective, Health Policy and Technology, 6(4): 383-388 (SCI, IF: 1.167).
11.Xiaofei Zhang, Xiaocui Han, Yuanyuan Dang, Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Jiayue Lin, 2017. User acceptance of mobile health services from users’ perspectives: The role of self-efficacy and response-efficacy in technology acceptance. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 42(2): 194-206 (SCI, IF: 1.381).
12.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Feng Guo, Chenlei Li, 2014. Understanding Gender Differences in m-Health Adoption: A Modified Theory of Reasoned Action Model. Telemedicine and e-Health, 20(1): 39-46 (SCI&SSCI, IF: 1.668).
13.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Feng Guo, Kee-hung Lai, 2014. Nonlinearities in Personalization -Privacy Paradox in mHealth Adoption: The mediating role of Perceived Usefulness and Attitude. Technology and Health Care, 22(4): 515–529 (SCI, IF: 0.697).
14.Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, Doug Vogel, 2016. Doctor-Patient Relationship Strength in an Online Healthcare Community. Information Technology for Development, 24(2):279-300 (SSCI, IF: 1.333).
15.Xitong Guo, Xiaocui Han, Xiaofei Zhang, Yuanyuan Dang, Chun Chen, 2015. Investigating mHealth Acceptance from a Protection Motivation Theory Perspective: Gender and Age Differences, Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(8): 661-669 (SSCI&SCI, IF: 1.791).
16.郭熙铜, 张晓飞, 刘笑笑, Doug Vogel, 2017. 数据驱动的电子健康服务管理研究:挑战与展望. 管理科学, 30(1): 3-14 (自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)。
17.李永立,吴冲,张晓飞,2016. 考虑网络交互影响效应的评价者权重分配方法. 管理科学学报, 4: 33-44 (自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)。
18.邹波,郭峰,熊新,张晓飞, 2015. 企业广度与深度吸收能力的形成机理与效用——基于264家企业数据的实证研究. 科学学研究, 33(3): 432-439 (自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)。
1.Xiaofei Zhang, Joseph Valacich, Jeffrey Jenkins, Xitong Guo, The Influence of Buying vs. Receiving an IT-based Device on User Commitment. Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, San Francisco, US, Dec 13, 2018.
2.Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Yi Wu. How does Interactional Unfairness Matter for Patient-Doctor Relationship Quality in Online Health Consultation? The Contingencies of Professional Seniority and Disease Severity. International Conference on Smart Health, Wuhan, China, Jul 1-3, 2018.
3.Xiaofei Zhang, Wei Chen, Bin Gu, Xitong Guo. The Impact of Introductory Incentives on New Users: Evidence from an Online Health Community. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, Korea, Dec 10-13, 2017 (Best Paper Award in IT and Healthcare Track and nominated as ICIS Best Paper).
4.Xiaofei Zhang, Exploring the Role of Enjoyment and Anxiety in Affective Response to mHealth: An Empirical Study among Patients with Chronic Diseases. Doctoral Consortium, The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, Jul 6-9, 2015.
2015年–2018年 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于在线医疗社区的医患交互机制研究
2015年–2018年 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于组织和个体视角的医疗信息技术动态影响研究
2016年–2020年 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目:智能健康信息服务管理
2019年–2022年 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于移动服务的慢性病管理模式创新研究
2019年-2019年 主持中央高校基本科研业务资金项目:移动医疗监测服务用户情感评估研究